Leadership and Leaders

With hundreds of ways to frame leadership and a leader, we look to break down what we have experienced over the last 15 years.

Leadership is influencing people- by providing purpose, direction, and motivation- while working to achieve the goals and improve the organization.

Purpose: Purpose gives people a reason to do things
Direction: Communicating expectations, prioritizing tasks, and ensuring all understand the standard
Motivation: Motivation gives those they lead the will to do everything they can to achieve, organizational and individual goals

A leader is a person, who influences a group of people towards the achievement of a goal, through values, example, and reflection, so that others are motivated to follow.

We feel that it’s most important to emphasize that a leader is a person. We look to emphasize this because a person, or human, is in fact fallible and can make mistakes. What differentiates a leader is how they respond and react to mistakes.

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